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For the past year, Peter Parker has been saving New York City from villains as the masked hero, Spider-Man. Facing thugs and evil geniuses alike, he learns how to balance heroics with homework and friends. Despite being a Super Hero, Peter is very much an average 16-year-old. With the added responsibilities of being Spider-Man, juggling all the aspects of his life will continually challenge him. When S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, Nick Fury, offers Peter the chance to raise his game and become THE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, Midtown High becomes a secret operations base for Spider-Man and other young heroes under the watchful eye of Fury and the school’s new principal, Agent Coulson.
Ultimate Spider-Man (USM)
Ulik was a Rock Troll from the realm known as Nornheim, located underground within the dimension of Asgard.
Uatu grew so fond of the lifeforms he observed that he occasionally violated his vow of non-interference when Earth's existence was threatened.
Uatu The Watcher
With the end of the Vietnam War, John Walker thought his dreams of becoming a war hero had also ended, until he learned of the Power Broker, who could give anyone superhuman powers, which Walker used to first become Super-Patriot and later, U.S. Agent.
U.S. Agent
After a failed attempt at starting an acting career, Edie Sawyer turned to a life of crime until she learned of a new media savvy team of superhuman mutants named X-Force, and she decided to become a superhero.
U-Go Girl
Typhoid Mary, an enemy and former lover of Daredevil with psionic powers, including telekinesis, is also truly gravely mentally ill and not entirely responsible for her actions.
Typhoid Mary
Tyger Tiger
Tyger Tiger
Two-Gun Kid
Two-Gun Kid
As Turbo, young journalist Michiko Musashi is the latest in a line of heroes who have worn the turbine-powered flying armor.
True Believers
True Believers
Triton is a member of the Inhumans.
Trish Tilby
Trish Tilby
After being exposed as a steroid user and stripped of his awards, gifted sprinter Delroy Garrett Jr. sought new direction in the Triune Understanding, a philosophical movement that preaches the fulfillment of one's innate potential by balancing various aspects of environment and self, after which he developed a superhuman triple-powered physique, and, believing the Triune teachings had unlocked his latent powers, Garrett became the costumed hero Triathlon and celebrity spokesman for the Triune Understanding.
Born 70 years in the future, Fitzroy was a trainee in the X.S.E., but he became Bishop's nemesis after he set up Bishop's sister Shard, and had her killed before fleeing to the 20th century.
Trevor Fitzroy
Terrance Ward was drafted into the Initiative training program because of his telepathic and shape-shifting abilities.
Toxin (Eddie Brock)
Toxin (Eddie Brock)
NYPD Officer Patrick Mulligan was implanted with a symbiote offspring during a chance encounter with Carnage.