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Encontrados 121 - 20 de 1564 heróis
Vampiro, part of the race known as the Eternals, lived on Earth for many years, eventually taking a wife and making a career for himself as a professional wrestler.
Valkyrie (Ultimate)
Valkyrie (Ultimate)
Amora magically transformed Samantha Parrington into a raging, man-hating facsimile of the Asgardian warrior goddess Brunnhilde the Valkyrie, whose form and might Amora could replicate at will, having trapped Brunnhilde's soul in a mystical crystal centuries earlier.
Valkyrie (Samantha Parrington)
Valkyrie (Exiles)
Valkyrie (Exiles)
Valeria Richards
Valeria Richards
Unus worked with the Brotherhood of Mutants and with Magneto directly, projecting Magneto's image to allow him to converse with Charles Xavier without a face-to-face meeting.
Unus (Ultimate)
Unus is an agent for the House of M royal family.
Unus (House of M)
Unus worked for Apocalypse and was sent into Old New York City to search for any remaining humans there and to kill them.
Unus (Age of Apocalypse)
Angelo Unuscione is a mutant whose powers did not surface until adolescence, when he first used them as a school bully and later as a small time criminal before immigrating to America and using his ability to create a virtually impenetrable force field around himself to launch a career as a flamboyant, invincible costumed wrestler known by the stage name of Unus the Untouchable.
During World War I, Lord Montgomery Falsworth was recruited by the British army to become one of the first public superhero champions: Union Jack.
Union Jack (Montgomery Falsworth)
Joey Chapman, the new Union Jack continued to fight evil, both alone and as a member of the Knights of Pendragon and the new Invaders.
Union Jack (Joseph Chapman)
Imprisoned in Germany during WWII, Brian Falsworth shared a cell with a German scientist who had tried to recreate the super-soldier serum, but didn't want it to fall into Nazi hands, so he gave his only sample to Brian, who gained enhanced strength, speed, stamina and reflexes.
Union Jack (Brian Falsworth)
Milos Masaryk, a Soviet intelligence agent assigned as a security guard for Anton Vanko, a Soviet inventor who developed the Crimson Dynamo armor, was tasked by the Soviet government to retrieve Vanko after he defected to the United States.
Umar and her sibling Dormammu gathered matter to themselves to increase their power, a practice anathema to their fellow Faltine who consider energy to be superior to matter.
Arguably the greatest and certainly the most horrific creation of scientific genius Dr. Henry Pym, Ultron is a criminally insane rogue sentient robot dedicated to conquest and the extermination of humanity.
Ultragirl (Earth-93060)
Ultragirl (Earth-93060)
Ultimo was a robotic construct that was developed several thousand years ago on an unknown world, which the Mandarin eventually discovered and claimed as his own creation.